Enc. Amethyst Star (adenocaula x Standard Setter)
(Enc. adenocaula x Standard Setter 'Carpenteria HCC/AOS)
This is a hybrid we named recently. Enc. adenocaula is a Mexican species that produces fantastic fragrant pink flowers on a long spike. Enc. Standard Setter 'Carpenteria' is an awarded clone of a primary Encyclia hybrid between mooreana and cordigera. It produces masses of dark flowers with a magenta lip on branched spikes. The offspring from our hybrid has a very heavy adenocaula influence in the foliage and flower shape. The plants are about 10" tall with 2 feet tall spikes with sweetly fragrant flower that are pink with an amethyst overlay and have a white lip with very heavy fuchsia veining.
(The flower picture is from one of our first-bloomed seedlings.)
(About 2 years from blooming size.)